The Importance of Managing Resilience and Self-Care
May 11, 2020
Experiencing difficulties or adversity in life is inevitable. This can range from everyday challenges to life-changing events. However, how we deal with these problems rather than letting difficulties or failure overcome us will have long-lasting consequences on an individual.
What is resilience?
Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity and hardships in ways that foster strength and growth. This allows individuals to emerge even stronger than before. While these challenging events are difficult to deal with, they do not ultimately define the rest of your life.
One example is the COVID-19 outbreak: as it continues to spread globally, it has brought on a sense of growing uncertainty among people. Resilience during these trying times is pivotal as individuals and organisations have to make quick decisions which may have long-lasting consequences. They are also required to possess great mental strength in order to get through this hardship.
Why is it important to individuals and organisations?
Change is inevitable when doing business in the modern world. Resilience in an organization is important as it allows organizations to foresee crises and adjust to the unexpected disruption accordingly. The level of resilience demonstrated by organisations will determine how well they react to negative circumstances.
In addition, resilience enables individuals to develop mechanisms for protection against challenging experiences and helps to maintain a sense of balance in their lives during difficult or stressful periods. They overcome failure by acknowledging the situation, learning from their mistakes, and moving forward.
If you are interested in learning more about Resilience and Self-Care, you can enrol at MindFORCE Academy with the Professional Certificate in Stress Management / Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ). Students will be able to acquire skills, attitude and knowledge to develop and improve their self-plans and manage their stress.
This course is accredited under Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications System. Students are able to receive up to 50% to 90% in government subsidies, depending on age and citizenship. The remaining amount can be paid using Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) or SkillsFuture Credit, if applicable.
Other related courses to Resilience and Self-Care:
- Professional Certificate in Helping Relationships
- Professional Certificate in Ethics in Counseling
- Professional Certificate in Group Counseling Process & Practice
- Specialist Diploma in Counseling Psychology
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical & Counseling Psychology
We offer Professional Certificates for those interested in short courses. Our Psychology Diploma courses are endorsed by Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors (Singapore).
Click here to check out the complete list of the numerous certificate and diploma programs which MindFORCE Academy offers.