Virtual Classroom Etiquette

Virtual Classroom Etiquette

Students are highly encouraged to observe classroom etiquette during the live stream of lessons. ASAS reserves the right to exercise disciplinary action for students who fail to follow the rules.

  1. All lessons are recorded – thus, students are encouraged to behave professionally in a courteous,  respectful manner.
    • The recording can be viewed in the Teams Posts at the end of the class or in Microsoft Stream.
  2. It is mandatory for students who are attending WSQ Courses to turn on their camera and microphone to capture their attendance as per lecturers’ request.
    • This fulfills the attendance requirement for the Government subsidies.
    • Student who do not abide to these requirements would not be eligible for the subsidies and would have to pay the full course fees.
    • As per all WSQ courses, students must fulfill minimum 75% attendance and pass the assessment(s).
  3. Students may use the meeting chat but spamming is prohibited.
    • Stickers, GIFs and memes are disabled by default.
  4. Students are encouraged to be punctual and attend the entire lesson.
  5. Students’ microphones are muted by default; microphones should remain muted unless the lecturer permits so.
  6. Students must not upload files without authorization from ASAS staff.
  7. Students have the option to pin the lecturer screen by right-clicking their screen and selecting ‘Pin’.