Organization Psychology

Organization Psychology


This module introduces learners to Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Learners will understand the foundational psychological theories, concepts and models that influences individual behaviors at work, organizations, and organizational behaviors. Learners will also understand how psychology is applied professionally in organizations.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should achieve the following Learning Outcomes
1. Define Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology
2. Discuss the theories and models of differential psychology, its measurement, and its influence at work.
3. Discuss the theories of attitude and influences on attitudes and how attitude affect behavior at work. 
4. Discuss the theories of motivation and its application to enhance motivation at work.
5. Elaborate and discuss the applications of psychological theories and approaches in professional practices of:
a. Recruitment & Selection
b. Learning & Development
c. Performance Management
d. Career & Career Management
e. Safety, Stress, & Health at work
6. Compare and contrast the different perspectives on Organizational strategy and organizational structure.
7. Critique the various approaches to leadership and factors to effective leadership development interventions.
8. Critique what makes a team and what makes them effective.
9. Critique the theories and models of organizational culture, climate and change.


Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Individual Differences at work
  • Attitudes and Behavior in Organizations
  • Motivation at Work
  • Performance measurement & Management
  • Learning, Training, & Development
  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Careers and career management
  • Safety, stress and health at work
  • Organizations: strategy and structure
  • Leadership in organizations
  • Team and teamwork
  • Organizational culture, climate and change


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