

  1. Module Title: Macroeconomics
  2. Module Prefix/Number: ECON 255
  3. Credit Hours: Three (3)
  4. Description: This course aims to impart students with a good general understanding of fundamentals of economic theory and recognize that they can be applied in ‘real life’, both personally and professionally.This course is based around three themes:
    • Theme 1: How markets work
      Topics: Production possibilities and opportunity cost, market demand and supply; elasticity of demand and supply, markets in action
    • Theme 2: Firms and competition
      Topics: the nature and objectives of firms; production concepts; market structures
    • Theme 3: A country’s economy – objectives, performance and policies
      Topics: national economic objectives; the trade cycle; inflation and unemployment; economic policies; introduction to international trade
  5. Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course students will have:
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of macroeconomics
    • Comprehend and critically appraise economic decisions made by governments, businesses and households
    • Use a range of skills to access, interpret and apply economic information in real world situationsThe aim of this unit is to assist students to understand the fundamentals of economic theory and recognize that they can be applied in ‘real life’, both personally and professionally.Our objective in teaching this unit is to assist students to develop sufficient written and conversational ‘economic literacy’ to be able to critically interpret economic reports (written, graphical and tabular); discuss economic issues; and contribute to business management and strategy formulation. We make an effort to present the course concepts so that they are of as much practical use to students as possible.
  6. Grading Scale: Your letter grade in this course will be determined by calculating your score on all assignments and exams as a percentage of the total possible score, on a standard grading scale:
    Your Letter Grade Your Score as % of Total
    A 90–100
    B 80-89
    C 70-79
    D 60-69
    F 0-59


    Assignments 40%

    As part of the requirements, students must complete short assignments based on these studies. There will be 2 assignments, each attracting 20% of total course grade.

    Assignment (Essay) 20%

    Students are also required to turn in an essay assignment.

    Guidelines for the essay assignment:

    • Word limit: 1500 – 2500
    • The assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point size, double spaced, and 1″ margins.
    • The assignment should be edited for spelling and grammar.
    • References to be provided using the APA guidelines.

    Exam 40%

    There will be a Final exam. The exam will be based on material covered in the textbook readings and lecture notes.