Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Sociology

  1. Module Title: Introduction to Sociology
  2. Module Prefix/Number: SOC 201
  3. Credit Hours: Three (3)
  4. Description: Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior in society. When sociologists refer to the systematic study of behavior, they mean that social behavior is regular and patterned, and that it takes place between individuals, among small groups (such as families), large organizations (such as Google), and entire societies (such as Singapore). The sociological imagination emphasizes the connection between personal troubles (biography) and structural (public and historical) issues. A sociological imagination helps us understand how larger social forces affect individuals and how individuals affect society. In this course, we will learn how to think like a sociologist through an examination of our social world. Some key areas we will cover include culture, socialization, crime and deviance, social control, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, technology and social change, education, religion, families, aging societies, among others.
  5. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should have achieved the following learning outcomes:

    1. Demonstrate an understanding of Sociology;
      • Explain what sociology is and how it differs from other social sciences and common sense
      • Explain how and why a sociological imagination helps us understand society
    2. Compare, illustrate and evaluate the four contemporary sociological perspectives;
      • Apply the four contemporary sociological perspectives to understanding various social concepts and issues covered in the course, namely, culture, socialization, institutions, crime & deviance, social stratification, gender & sexuality, race & ethnicity, economy, politics, families, education, religion, health, population and social change.
      • Critically evaluate the contributions and limitations of the perspectives
    3. Explain why sociological research is important in our everyday lives.
      • Compare knowledge based on tradition, authority, and research
      • Describe the scientific method and the basic steps of the research process
  6. Grading Scale: Your letter grade in this course will be determined by calculating your score on all assignments and exams as a percentage of the total possible score, on a standard grading scale:
    Your Letter Grade Your Score as % of Total
    A 90–100
    B 80-89
    C 70-79
    D 60-69
    F 0-59

    Assignments 40%

    As part of the requirements, students must complete short assignments based on these studies. There will be 2 assignments, each attracting 20% of total course grade.

    Assignment (Essay) 20%

    Students are also required to turn in an essay assignment.

    Guidelines for the essay assignment:

    • Word limit: 1500 – 2500
    • The assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point size, double spaced, and 1″ margins.
    • The assignment should be edited for spelling and grammar.
    • References to be provided using the APA guidelines.

    Exam 40%

    There will be a Final exam. The exam will be based on material covered in the textbook readings and lecture notes.

  7. Course Outline
    • Thinking Like a Sociologist
    • Examining Our Social World
    • Culture
    • Socialization
    • Social Interaction in Everyday Life
    • Groups, Organizations, and Institutions
    • Deviance, Crime and Social Control
    • Social Stratification
    • Gender and Sexuality
    • Race and Ethnicity
    • The Economy and Politics
    • Families and Aging
    • Education and Religion
    • Health and Medicine