External Feedback and Complaint Management System

External Feedback and Complaint Management System

Students who wish to provide any feedback and / or complaints to the School should adhere to the following

  • Students are to approach the Students  Support Executive to request for a Feedback form
  • The student Support Support Executive will review the feedback / complaint and discuss it with relevant parties on issues raised. a formal investigation will be carried out if necessary
  • Relevant parties will the propose a solution for the issue raised and the Student Support Executive will explain it clearly to the student
  • The student should acknowledge the situation within 21 working days, whether he/she accepts or is satisfied with the proposed solution
  • If the students is not satisfied with the proposed solution, he/she can escalate the matter up to the CEO (for non-academic issues) oe the Head of Academic Affairs (for academic issues). The respective person will investigate the case and take necessary actions to resolve it.
  • If the students is still not satisfied with the outcome / decision, he/she will be referred to the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) through the committee for Private Education Students Services Centre and for WSQ courses, they will be referred to WSQ Feedback Portal – SSG -WSQ
  • The entire process should not take more than 21 working days

Note: As Feedback can be generic and / or positive, the School will have the discretion of the need to reply to students

Note 2: If the process takes more than 21 working to resolve, students need to be informed of the reason as to why it is so anad justifications needs to be provided by the School. Justifications need to be recorded  on the Feedback Form under the Remarks sections