Corporate Social Responsibility
- Unit level: 4
- Unit Code: A/503/7082
- GLH: 60
- Credit value: 15
- Unit grading structure: Assignments 80%, Quiz 20%
- Assessment guidance: Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance
- Unit Aims:
To develop an understanding of CSR issues and impacts of CSR policy
Learning Outcomes
- Understand current corporate social responsibility issues facing business
- Define corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Describe background and changing attitudes to CSR
- Describe the regulatory framework for CSR
- Explain environmental issues in CSR
- Explain economic and political issues in CSR
- Explain social and community issues in CSR
- Understand the impact of corporate social responsibility policy on different stakeholders
- Assess the benefits of CSR to employees
- Analyse the impact of CSR on the supply chain
- Explain how a CSR policy impacts on business performance
- Explain how CSR impacts on marketing strategy
- Assess the potential conflicts which may arise between the needs and expectations of different stakeholders
- Be able to make Recommendations for responsible business practice
- Review the CSR policy of a specific business
- Assess the extent of voluntarism in CSR policy
- Recommend changes to CSR policy to benefit different stakeholders
- Assess the potential impact of changes in CSR on business performance